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Subaward Agreements

PIs involve collaborators through subaward agreements where they agree to contribute to specific aspects or components of the overall project’s research and/or development scope of work. A subaward is a formal written agreement made between UL Lafayette and another legal entity (subrecipient) to perform substantive programmatic activity under one of the University’s sponsored projects. When a defined portion of UL Lafayette’s award (prime award) includes collaborative work with another organization or institution a Subaward agreement is issued by UL Lafayette. Each subrecipient must have its own PI responsible for the subrecipients’ programmatic decision making to carry out the goals and objectives included in UL Lafayette’s prime award.

Subrecipients must comply with the terms and conditions of the subaward agreement, including the terms and conditions that flow down from UL Lafayette’s prime award, as well as compliance approvals, regulatory requirements, and cost sharing commitments, if applicable.

SPFAC assists in the negotiation, set up, and monitoring of all subawards issued by the UL Lafayette. SPFAC is responsible for processing of subaward agreements, including drafting, issuance, execution, and distribution of subaward agreements and modifications as required. All subawards must include the following minimum information:

  • Scope of work
  • Budget and justification
  • Period of performance
  • Payment terms
  • Technical and financial reporting requirements
  • Prime award information
  • Sponsor terms and all compliance requirements

Subrecipient vs Contractor

A subrecipient is different than a contractor, and it is important to accurately classify them. Uniform Guidance §200.330 requires determination as to whether an arrangement resulting from a particular award that the awarding entity makes to another organization creates a subrecipient or contractor relationship. Normally, the determination is made in the proposal stage. Below are guidelines when making that determination.

Subaward Monitoring

The PI has the primary responsibility for fiscal and technical monitoring of their subawardee. However, SPFAC also plays a significant role in subawardee monitoring as listed below.